Self-understanding, self-acceptance, and aligned decision-making

In our recent chat on Ignite Kinesiology’s Served with Love podcast, Beth provides a great example of how understanding your Human Design provides self-understanding, self-acceptance, and can support you with more aligned decision-making.

Beth’s Human Design Chart

During our chat, Beth discovered that whilst her Defined Sacral shows us she has a consistent yes/no gut feeling in response to whatever decision she’s faced with, she actually has Emotional Authority – she needs to give herself time with decision-making, because her gut response is influenced by her emotions. With a Defined Solar Plexus, she’s on a constant wave of emotional highs and lows, so this explains why her impulsive decisions often lead to regret.

Developing the discipline to slow down her decision making might feel challenging for Beth, because she has a lot of “fast energy”. Her Sacral is connected indirectly to her Throat (the Centre for manifestation), giving her the urge to get the wheels in motion the moment she becomes excited about something. She also has a Defined Spleen that consistently gives her instantaneous intuitive insights, and this energy is connected to her Heart, the home of her willpower.

But there’s more! Beth also has Gate 29 activated in her chart – sometimes referred to as The Gate of Saying “Yes”. The energy of this Gate can make a person over-commit through their conditioning. Activated by her Unconscious Mars and Saturn, this energy was always going to present as a trip wire and cause grief for Beth, and explains her “yes reflex” that often leaves her feeling compromised. The good news is, her chart also indicates potential for transformation here when she’s in alignment with her Human Design, exercising discipline to give herself time to feel into her Sacral response over the course of her emotional wave when making a decision.

Ready to understand and align with your Human Design so you can live your purpose? Get your chart, personalised report, and Masterclass here.

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Decision-making & Purpose

When we’re looking at Authority in Human Design, it’s is all about making decisions, and how if you want to live your purpose, you need to be making decisions that are aligned with your truth and authenticity.

The thing is, most of us have been conditioned to make decisions using our mind – that is, using logic, rationality, past experience, history, or the advice of an external authority whether that’s your best friend, a wise family member, or a subject matter expert.  But when we’re talking about aligned decisions, we’re talking about what is energetically correct for you as a unique individual – what aligns with your authenticity and purpose, which isn’t always logical or rational.  Also, using you mind as your decision maker is problematic because your mind works like a computer operating system, programmed throughout your life with the evolutionary intention of keeping you safe.  When you “think through” your decisions, your mind is literally programmed with safety and survival at the forefront, meaning your decisions will be coloured by things like your fears and your need to conform.  Safety and conformity are highly unlikely to lead you to your authenticity and purpose!

You’ve no doubt had that experience where it makes logical, rational sense to make a certain decision, but you have that niggling feeling, hunch, or little voice inside that is telling you something different.  This is what we’re speaking to in Human Design when we’re talking about Authority.  Whether you call it your higher self, your connection to Source, your soul, or something else, it’s your link to an all-knowing guidance system that allows you to make aligned decisions.

Using your HD Authority to make decisions doesn’t mean completely ignoring intel from your mind.  Depending on the decision you’re facing, it’s often going to be appropriate to gather data, seek understanding, and review options.  For example, let’s say you’ve been led to pursue a certain career which requires a specific qualification.  What educational institutions offer that qualification?  What are the entry requirements?  Where are they located?  What are the fees and payment options?  Are there alternatives?  The important thing is to remember that it’s not the data and intel that should dictate your decision, it’s your inner Authority that will give you your aligned decision once all the relevant information has been gathered.

The thing is, everyone is unique in their energetic design, and so the way your inner guidance system works is specific to you.  Generic advice to follow your heart over your head, to go with your gut, to trust your intuition … whilst it’s a step up from mind-based decisions, it doesn’t account for how YOU’RE energetically wired, and which body sensations YOU can rely on as accurate guideposts.  Maybe you can rely on your gut feeling in the moment, maybe you can rely on your fleeting intuitive hits, perhaps you need to take time to process your emotions, or connect in with your voice, … there are 8 different HD Authorities!  So, to live your purpose, you need to understand: which sensations in your body can you rely on to be your inner decision making authority?

Want to discover your Authority?  Generate your free “Unlock Your Purpose with Human Design” report that includes personalised information about your Authority here.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

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Authority: how you’re designed to make decisions

You have an inner guidance system that you can trust for making decisions that are energetically correct for you as a unique individual. And it doesn’t reside in your mind.

Even though we’re conditioned to make decisions from the mind based on logic, external authority, fear, or conforming, this won’t lead us to our authenticity and purpose. Our mind is actually designed to be used for thinking, dreaming, inspiring, formulating, and making sense of life, a potential teacher for others, used in service. Our mind is meant to be freed from decision making.

It’s our soul that is always guiding us to make energetically correct decisions.

Decisions that keep us on track with our authenticity and purpose.

Our soul guides us though our inner Authority.


Your decision-making is governed by your Solar Plexus.

You’re designed to take your time when making decisions, to wait through your “emotional wave” of highs & lows, and make your decision from the clarity that comes when you’re in a place of emotional neutrality. How does the decision make you feel emotionally, over time? (If you’re a Generator or MG, is your Sacral Response consistent over time, or is it changing with your moods?) Making rash decisions from an emotional high or low, no matter how sure you believe you are in the moment, is a risky move. For you, there is no reliable truth in the now.


Your decision-making is governed by your Sacral Centre.

You’re designed to go with your gut feeling. This is very “in the moment” decision-making, operating in response to what you’re presented with. You either feel an openness and expansion towards something, or a closing and contraction away from something. It’s a yes/no, either/or way of operating. Remember to remain present to what feels right now, don’t get caught up in your head with future tripping and worry.


Your decision-making is governed by your Spleen Centre.

You’re designed to make decisions based on an often quiet, instantaneous intuitive inner knowing. There’s no logic to your authority, so if you’re reasoning out your decision, you’re off track. Splenic communication is an incredibly fleeting feeling; blink and you’ll miss it. Develop a sense of how you experience your intuition (e.g. claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience or clairgustance) so you can recognise it and allow that recognition and confidence in it to build over time.

Ego Projected or Ego Manifested

Your decision-making is governed by your Heart Centre (also known as the Ego or Will Centre).

You’re designed to be led by your heart. It’s all about you, your ego, what you want, the desires of your heart. If you’re Ego-Projected, your desires are likely to be attached to your sense of identity and direction in life. If you’re Ego-Manifested, talking your decisions out can be helpful, not for others to provide input, but for you to hear your heart articulating through your voice, where your desire and passion can be communicated.

Self Projected

Your decision-making is governed by your G Centre, also known as the Identity Centre.

You’re designed to make your big decisions in life based on what you’re being magnetically drawn towards. You project your direction in life, & tuning into that will align you with your correct decisions. To connect into this self-projection, talk your decisions out; not so someone can provide input, but so you can hear your identity speaking through your voice & tune into the direction it is taking you. Be sure not to make rash decisions, no matter how sure you’re feeling, without first talking them out; you could find yourself being pointed in a different direction.


Your decision-making is governed by your energetic “openness” below your Throat Centre.

Mental Authority, also known as Sounding Board Authority, means you access different forms of body-wisdom depending on who you’re interacting with. You’re designed to make decisions by curating trusted relationships, using them as a sounding board for your decision making, talking things through. This is not a free-for-all where others tell you what to do! Your sounding board allows you to hear your own & others perspectives, feeling into how they land in your body over time, leading you towards clarity in your decisions. Learn about the other Authorities so you can recognise them in yourself.


Your decision-making is governed by your connection to the moon which comes from having no Defined Centres.

You experience different forms of body-wisdom activated during interactions with others & by the transit of the moon. Learn about the other Authorities, & allow yourself time to experience the full spectrum of your body-wisdom throughout the lunar cycle. You may have days where you feel certain emotions regarding the decision, a gut response about the decision, a quiet intuitive inner knowing, a strong desire, or a pulling towards the decision. Your clarity will come through perspective gathered over time. When you can’t wait a complete lunar cycle, defer to your Sounding Board.

To discover your Authority, generate your free Human Design chart and resources here.

Are you tuned in to your inner Authority?

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Energy Type – what does it mean for you?

There are 5 energy Type’s within the Human Design System:

Manifesting Generator

(Don’t know your Type? Find out here.)

Type is *just* the first aspect of your energy we look at when exploring your Human Design.

What does it mean to be a Manifestor?

You’re a Manifestor if you have your Sacral Centre Undefined (white) on your BodyGraph …


Your Throat Centre is connected by Defined Channels (directly or indirectly) to one of three of the Motor Centres (Root, Solar Plexus, Heart).

You’re capable of initiating conversations, projects, relationships, businesses … whatever you feel the urge or desire to MANIFEST, independently of other people or the outside world. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE CALLED A MANIFESTOR!

Your Manifestor energy creates a big and powerful aura around you, that helps to get others out of your way so you can get on with manifesting your desires.

Whilst it probably won’t feel natural to you, keeping others in the loop with what you’re doing will reduce the likelihood of encountering resistance from them with manifesting your desires, and give them the opportunity to get on board to help you bring your desires to life if that feels good for both of you.

Your Strategy in life as a Manifestor is to inform.

When you’re free to get on with manifesting your internally derived urges and desires, this will bring you a sense of peace. When you’re hindered from manifesting your desires or you’re not following your urges, you’ll likely feel angry.

Whilst you have powerful energy to initiate action, your Undefined Sacral means you can’t sustainably be “on” all the time. You’re designed to work in powerful surges or bursts, followed by deep rest and replenishment. Honour your energy, and remember to inform others to attract the support you may need to bring a project to completion.

You have the capacity to piggy-back off the Sacral lifeforce energy of those around you, giving you extra steam. This can be helpful, but overdoing it will lead to exhaustion and depletion of your lifeforce energy.

You’re best suited to situations where you have autonomy and freedom; Manifestors aren’t designed to be told what to do.

Your joy and gift to the world is bringing your desires into reality, making stuff happen, impacting others and making your mark on the world.

To summarise …

  • You’re here to independently initiate action off the back of your internal urges and desires.
  • Keep others informed of what you’re up to.
  • Honour your cyclical nature and need to deeply rest.
  • Autonomy and freedom are important for your alignment.
  • You’re here to manifest your desires and make an impact.

What does it mean to be a Generator?

You’re a Generator if you have your Sacral Centre Defined (coloured in) on your BodyGraph …


Your Throat Centre is NOT connected by Defined Channels (directly or indirectly) to a Motor Centre (Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart).

Your Defined Sacral broadcasts its frequency into your environment, creating an open and enveloping aura that attracts life towards you, taking in and responding to everything you encounter.

Your Defined Sacral always responds to what it encounters, either positively or negatively.

Tuning in to your Sacral response is essential for alignment as a Generator. You’re here to honour your Sacral response to what life naturally brings to you.

Your Strategy in life as a Generator is to wait to respond to what life brings you.

A positive Sacral response might be experienced as:

  • A sub-vocal sacral sound (e.g. “Uh-huh” or “Mmm”)
  • A feeling of expansion, lightness, openness
  • Movement forward/towards something
  • Nodding your head
  • Vocalising (e.g. “Hell yes!”)

A negative Sacral response might be experienced as:

  • A sub-vocal sacral sound (e.g. “Uh-uh” or “Urgh” or “Eww”)
  • A feeling of contraction, heaviness, closedness
  • Movement backwards/away from something
  • Shaking your head
  • Vocalising (e.g. “Hell no!” or “No way!”)

A positive Sacral response is your evidence that you have Sacral energy to give to whatever you’re responding to, and doing so will GENERATE lifeforce energy, enabling you to sustain the activity for some time and feel a sense of satisfaction. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE CALLED A GENERATOR!

A negative Sacral response is your evidence that you don’t have Sacral energy to give to whatever you’re responding to. If you engage anyway, you’ll deplete and drain your lifeforce energy, and feel immense frustration.

Your joy and gift to the world is to master something that you LOVE doing! The nature of your frequency is to persevere; when the initial enthusiasm of your positive Sacral response wanes, and you perhaps feel a little stuck or in a plateau, you have the energy to persist to a point of breaking through to the next level, brining immense satisfaction.

To summarise:

  • You’re here to respond to what life naturally brings into your experience.
  • Check in with your Sacral response to ascertain whether you have the lifeforce energy to devote to what you’ve encountered.
  • Trust your gut (aka your Sacral response).
  • You’re here to master the things that bring you immense joy and satisfaction.

What does it mean to be a Manifesting Generator?

You’re a Manifesting Generator (MG) if you have your Sacral Centre Defined (coloured in) on your BodyGraph …


Your Throat Centre is connected by Defined Channels (directly or indirectly) to a Motor Centre (Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart).

Your Defined Sacral broadcasts its frequency into your environment, creating an open and enveloping aura that attracts life towards you, taking in and responding to everything you encounter.

Your Defined Sacral always responds to what it encounters, either positively or negatively.

Tuning in to your Sacral response is essential for alignment as an MG. You’re here to honour your Sacral response to what life naturally brings to you.

Your Strategy in life as an MG is to wait to respond to what life brings you. (More on this ahead.)

A positive Sacral response might be experienced as:

  • A sub-vocal sacral sound (e.g. “Uh-huh” or “Mmm”)
  • A feeling of expansion, lightness, openness
  • Movement forward/towards something
  • Nodding your head
  • Vocalising (e.g. “Hell yes!”)

A negative Sacral response might be experienced as:

  • A sub-vocal sacral sound (e.g. “Uh-uh” or “Urgh” or “Eww”)
  • A feeling of contraction, heaviness, closedness
  • Movement backwards/away from something
  • Shaking your head
  • Vocalising (e.g. “Hell no!” or “No way!”)

A positive Sacral response is your evidence that you have Sacral energy to give to whatever you’re responding to, and doing so will GENERATE lifeforce energy, enabling you to sustain the activity for some time and feel a sense of satisfaction. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE CALLED A (MANIFESTING) GENERATOR!

A negative Sacral response is your evidence that you don’t have Sacral energy to give to whatever you’re responding to. If you engage anyway, you’ll deplete and drain your lifeforce energy, and feel immense frustration.

Your joy and gift to the world is to do all the things you LOVE! As an MG, you’ll likely have many different interests, passions, projects or hobbies. This may look like a non-linear trajectory, chopping and changing your mind frequently, or feeling finished with something before you’ve seen it through to completion. Sometimes others find it challenging to keep up with MGs, so will be helpful to keep them informed of what you’re doing.

In addition to your Strategy in life being to wait to respond, it is also to then inform.

To summarise:

  • You’re here to respond to what life naturally brings into your experience.
  • Check in with your Sacral response to ascertain whether you have the lifeforce energy to devote to what you’ve encountered.
  • Trust your gut (aka your Sacral response).
  • Keep others informed of what you’re doing.
  • You’re here to do the many and varied things that bring you immense joy and satisfaction.

What does it mean to be a Projector?

You’re a Projector if you have Defined Centres on your BodyGraph …

AND: Your Sacral Centre is Undefined (white) …

AND: Your Throat Centre is NOT connected by Defined Channels (directly or indirectly) to a Motor Centre (Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart).

The configuration of your Projector energy creates a focused and absorbing aura around you, that penetrates into the aura of others, allowing you to “see” deeply into and understand them.

Your aura is a PROJECTION field for others. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE CALLED A PROJECTOR.

Your perspective makes you insightful and capable of guiding others. This is your incredible gift.

People often don’t want unsolicited advice or guidance. Ensuring that others recognise your gifts and are receptive to your guidance before offering it will reduce the likelihood of feeling bitter, and more likely to feel successful. Receptivity might be evident in the form of a literal invitation, or less obvious in the form of acknowledging your gifts.

Your Strategy in life as a Projector is to wait for the invitation.

Your ability to energetically penetrate the aura of others makes them feel very seen and understood. You might see others better than you see yourself, so recognition can be supportive for you.

You also likely have a good understanding of energy flow in general; of how systems and processes work, energy dynamics within groups, and seeing the bigger picture within a situation.

Not all invitations are meant to be accepted; only those that make you feel seen and recognised for your insights and perspectives.

You don’t need to wait for an invitation to do the things that fascinate you and engage your attention; only to share your insights and perspectives with others.

You don’t need to passively wait for an invitation; do your thing, be in the world, let others know what you’re up to, and allow the correct invitations to come to you.

Your Undefined Sacral means you can’t sustainably be “on” all the time. You’re designed to utilise your capacity for incredible focus and efficiency, achieving a lot in a short space of time, followed by rest and replenishment. You’re designed to be less about the doing, and more about the guiding.

You have the capacity to piggy-back off the Sacral lifeforce energy of those around you, giving you extra steam. This can be helpful, but overdoing it will lead to exhaustion and depletion of your lifeforce energy.

Your joy and gift to the world is to follow your fascinations and be recognised for your perspective, observations, insights, and ability to guide, problem solve, and improve.

To summarise …

  • You’re here to energetically see into and understand others.
  • Wait for recognition and receptivity before offering advice or guidance.
  • Honour your need to balance highly efficient output with rest and replenishment.
  • You’re here to feel successful as a guide for others.

What does it mean to be a Reflector?

You’re a Reflector if all the Centres on your BodyGraph are Undefined.

Your Undefined Centres all absorb and amplify the energy of others within your environment.

This creates a sampling aura around you, that automatically tastes and tries on the energy of those within your environment, amplifying and REFLECTING it back to them like a mirror. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE CALLED A REFLECTOR!

Your energetic openness makes you susceptible to conditioning and influence by those around you. Awareness and discernment are critical skills for you to develop.

It’s imperative for your wellbeing to curate who & what you allow yourself to be exposed to. Finding the energetically correct environment and community for you is key, otherwise you’ll feel disappointed at the misaligned energy you’re sampling.

Your empathy presents a capacity for deep wisdom through experience, & enables you to develop resilience as your aura learns to resist identifying with the energy it samples.

You experience different forms of body-wisdom activated during interactions with others & by the transit of the moon. To determine what is energetically correct for you, allow time to experience the full spectrum of your body-wisdom throughout the lunar cycle.

Your strategy in life as a Reflector is to wait a lunar cycle.

Waiting a full lunar cycle for every move and decision is not always possible. Changing your mind and course correcting are likely to be a big part of your experience of life, and that’s ok.

Whilst you likely experience an inconsistent sense of self and way of being, your consistency is in the repeating pattern of energy activated by the lunar transit cycle.

Learn to observe the patterns in your energy throughout the lunar cycle.

Your Undefined Sacral means you can’t sustainably be “on” all the time. It’s critical for you to be discerning of where you apply your energy, and to rest and replenish as your body needs.

You have the capacity to piggy-back off the Sacral lifeforce energy of those around you, giving you extra steam. This can be helpful, but overdoing it will lead to exhaustion and depletion of your lifeforce energy.

Solitude and energy clearing are important for your replenishment and wellbeing, so you can come home to yourself without the energetic influence of others.

Your energy type is rare; you’re part of just 1% of the population. Recognise that your experience of life and way of operating is intrinsically different to the vast majority of humanity.

BUT: You’re not alone.

1% of the world = 80 million people!

Your joy and gift to the world is to be at the centre of your community, reflecting it’s energy and being a gauge of it’s wellbeing, igniting a sense of surprise and delight in the uniqueness of the auras you get to sample whilst remaining unattached and unidentified with them.

To summarise:

  • You’re here to sample the energy of those around you, reflecting it back to them.
  • Wait a lunar cycle when making decisions; check in with the spectrum of your fluctuating body-wisdom.
  • You’re a cyclical being who operates in repeating energy patterns.
  • Solitude and energy clearing are critical for your wellbeing.
  • You’re here to be at the centre of your community as a gauge of its wellbeing.

Learn more!

I’ve created a free Masterclass for you to dive deeper into what it means to be your specific energy Type, and how to align with your Type for more flow and less resistance as you move through and engage with the world. Generate your chart and access your free Masterclass here.

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Alignment begins with the mundane

The notion of following your inner guidance can sound simple; master the recognition of how your body communicates with you, honour it, and be on your way to alignment and living your purpose. But it’s not necessarily that straightforward.

So many of us have been conditioned away from recognising and following our inner knowing. We’ve been taught to make decisions based on logic, following rules, doing the “right” thing, pleasing others. Often to the point of becoming completely numb to the whisperings (or screams) of our body. And so, we begin this path of alignment & discover it to be a rocky road.

A simple example:

I was supposed to be going out with my family on the weekend. I knew my period was on the brink of starting. I made an effort to ensure things at home were taken care of & that I was organised and prepared. Then, my flow began, and with it came pain and heaviness. My body wanted nothing more than to sit with my feet up, on the couch, and rest. My mind went into overdrive.

“I should push through.”

“Maybe I’ll feel better later.”

“I’ve pushed through before, I should do that again.”

“Maybe others will be upset or offended if I don’t go.”

“Maybe others will think I was faking it.”

“Maybe I’m being weak and selfish.”

“Maybe it’s not as bad as I’m telling myself.”

Even though my body was winning over, and logic was telling me that resting was the thing to do, my mind continued to argue vehemently. It took discipline and restraint to sit with the thoughts, and not let them take the reigns.

This is my conditioning. My Undefined Heart still finds it challenging to feel worthy of prioritising myself & my inner guidance, and every attempt to do so is followed by second guessing myself. My Defined Head & Ajna have me looping a state of confusion over what is right and what is wrong, and where my values lie.

I’m not perfect at following my inner authority. It’s an experiment and a practice, and often my mind wins out. But every time I make an aligned decision, the next aligned decision become a little easier. I’m reconditioning myself to honour my inner guidance over my thoughts.

This is where the journey of living your purpose begins; in the mundane, day-to-day decisions and actions.

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Purpose: Honouring the Truth of You

Living your purpose isn’t about doing or achieving.  It’s not about living up to some ideal.  Living your purpose is about being yourself, the fullest essence of who you are, you at your most authentic when you strip away the conditioning and programming that has led you to pretend to be someone you’re not.

We try to fit purpose into a specific career, job, business, or a certain level of perceived success, but that’s not what it’s about.  And yet, when you’re embodying your truth, you may well find yourself working a job or building a career or business that aligns with your purpose, because when you’re embodying your truth, everything inevitably falls into alignment.  When you prioritise authenticity, you’re not willing to spend your time doing something that doesn’t feel right.  But purpose is so much more than a job title or your work in the world.

Purpose is deep.  Whilst we might summarise our purpose in one paragraph or one word or one aspect of our Human Design, each of those single elements has a ocean of meaning for us to dive into and explore.  And ultimately, no one else can tell us our purpose; we can only be guided towards where we will discover and learn to embody it for ourselves.  This is what Human Design offers us; a blueprint of our energy, a map that serves as a guide to embodying our inherent truth and expressing the gift frequency of who we came here to be.  Our Human Design points us towards our purpose through our Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, Definition, Defined Centres, Undefined Centres, Incarnation Cross, Nodes, Gates, Channels, Variable … it’s incredibly nuanced, intricate, and unique.  The challenge is to remember that purpose is not something to achieve, or improve or fix within ourselves; it’s who we inherently are.

I’ve spent the past month embarking on the Venus Sequence, within The Gene Keys Golden Path; another avenue for exploring purpose.  This is a journey of exploring relationships, emotional wounding, and opening your heart.  The Gene Keys is a system that stems from Human Design.  I see it as a more yin, feminine approach, that for me is supported by the more yang, masculine approach and foundation I have established through my process with Human Design.  I already incorporate The Gene Keys into my work, but I’m looking forward to expanding how I integrate it to further enrich the ways in which I serve.

The Venus Sequence begins with a contemplation of our purpose in relationships.  Something I didn’t anticipate was that this contemplation would bring insights into the emotional pain I’ve experienced during the past 3 years; my Gene Key here is 7.5, which holds themes of division, guidance, virtue, victimhood and self-pity, and leadership. Contemplating division within my relationships has brought many tears, as well as the recognition that of course, there is purpose in my experience.  My mind has grappled with how to transform this shadow, to realise my purpose of guidance and leadership.  I can see how I’ve allowed division to keep me hiding in so many ways, trapped in my mind’s illusions of perceiving myself as a victim of division & what that means for who I can be in the world – I’ve been scared to own my gift of guidance, scared to own my clarity and how that clarity can be of service to others.

What I am beginning to recognise is that even within the division of the past 3 years, even amidst the wallowing in victimhood and self-pity, there have been glimpses of beginning to embody guidance and leadership.  Even when it was sacrilege to do so, I owned my unpopular opinions.  Even when it divided family, friends, community and strangers, I stuck to my deeply considered values and convictions, with the clarity that I was doing so for reasons that felt ethical, virtuous, right, and good.  In the face of vilification and condemnation, I was demonstrating what it means to be true to yourself.

I didn’t realise it at the time, but throughout the height of the division, I was living an aspect of my purpose; perhaps not my higher purpose, but beginning to head in a positive direction. This is but a surface level of one example of how my purpose has shown up in my life.  The point is, amidst our greatest challenges, lies our purpose.  “Your purpose is designed to be unlocked by life.  It calls upon you to evolve through your challenges and it emerges progressively over the course of your life as you move through breakthrough and transformation.” (Richard Rudd)

There’s a subtle distinction between trying to improve or fix or achieve our higher purpose, and embodying the higher purpose that is already within us. The shadow expression of our purpose is not something to try and eliminate, but rather to forgive and accept, such that we can unlock the gift expression. This brings us back to where we began: honouring the truth of who we are at our deepest essence.

If you’re ready to explore the depth of your purpose through the lens of Human Design (with a sprinkling of Gene Keys), I’d love to be your guide.  Learn more here.

Photo by Carlos de Miguel on Unsplash

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Human Design Authority – your inner decision making authority

For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt trepidation in my decision making. Over-analysing, over-thinking, and hoping I’ve made the right choice, have been my default.

The spiritual and self-help world taught me that aligned decisions are not made through the intellect and mind; they are not the domain of the soul.

Whilst this message resonated, and I understood the head is not for decision making, I was confused about how to tap into my soul’s guidance: should I go with my gut feeling, follow my heart, or trust my intuition? What was the difference? What about when they contradicted each other? Why did it feel difficult to effectively tune into this communication?

Understanding my Human Design has gifted me some insight as to why I have felt so much confusion around my decisions. Even better, it has given me the tools to reliably make correct, aligned decisions from my own unique body wisdom.

Whilst this is something I’m still learning to lean into given a lifetime of conditioning, it is such a relief to finally let go of the constant unease around my every move.

This is available to all of us.

It’s found in your Authority.

Your Human Design Authority is your inner decision making authority, which tells you how to reliably make energetically correct, aligned decisions.

The soul alerts the body way before the mind can intellectualise what the soul desires, so our mind and logical thinking is never our decision making authority! But where within our body we can reliably tap into to experience this soul communication is different for different individuals, dependent upon our Design which shows us the energies we have consistent and reliable access to.

There is a hierarchy of Centres that determine your Authority; whichever Centre you have Defined (coloured-in) that is highest in that hierarchy, is your Authority.

To find out your Authority, generate your free Human Design chart at here.

Solar Plexus: You are designed to take your time when making decisions, to wait through your “emotional wave” and make your decision from a place of emotional neutrality. Making rash decisions from an emotional high or low, no matter how sure you believe you are in the moment, is a risky move. For you, there is no reliable truth in the now. Get comfortable with the phrases “I’ll get back to you,” “Let me sleep on it,” and “I’m going to give myself some time to make my decision.”

Sacral: You are designed to go with your gut feeling. This is a very “in the moment” decision making authority, that operates in response to what you are presented with. You either feel an openness and expansion towards something, or a closing and contraction away from something. It’s a yes/no, either/or way of operating. Remember to remain present to what you’re feeling right now, don’t get caught up in your head with future tripping and worry.

Spleen: You are designed to make decisions based on an instantaneous intuitive inner knowing. There is no logic to your authority, so if you are reasoning out your decision, you know you’re off track. This can be challenging to surrender into within our society and programming, so it might take you some time to practice, starting small. It’s also an incredibly fleeting feeling; blink and you’ll miss it. You’ll need to develop a sense of what it feels like in your body, so that you can recognise it and allow that recognition and confidence in it to build over time.

Ego/Heart: Also known as Ego Projected or Ego Manifested Authority. You are designed to be led by your heart. It’s all about you, your ego, what you want, the desires of your heart. It can feel almost criminal or scary to start operating in this way, given that it’s about self-prioritisation. It may be a learning curve to release the compulsion and expectation to prioritise everyone else above yourself. For Ego Manifested Authority, talking your decisions out will be helpful whether to yourself or with a trusted confidante, not for others to provide input but for you to hear your heart articulating through your voice, where your desire and passion can be communicated.

G Centre: Also known as Self Projected Authority. You are designed to make your big decisions in life based on what you are being magnetically drawn towards. You project your direction in life, and tuning into that will align you with your correct decisions. To connect into this self-projection, you need to talk your decisions out, whether to yourself or with a trusted confidante, not so they can provide input but so you can hear your identity speaking through your voice and tune into the direction it is taking you. Be sure not to make rash decisions, no matter how sure you’re feeling, without first talking them out; you could find yourself being pointed in a different direction.

Ajna: Also known as Mental Authority or Sounding Board Authority. You don’t have consistent and reliable access to body wisdom for your decision making; you rely upon your energetic openness from below the throat. You are designed to make decisions by carefully curating your inner circle of trusted relationships, and then using them as a sounding board for your decision making, where you lead the conversation and invite them to productively contribute their opinion of what they believe is right for you. This is not a free-for-all where others tell you what they think you should do! Your sounding board allows you to hear your own and others perspectives, feeling into how they land in your body over time, leading you towards correct decisions.

None (Lunar): With no defined centres, you don’t have consistent and reliable access to body wisdom for your decision making. Where possible, your decisions are best made by waiting for a complete lunar cycle, whilst the moon transits through each of the 64 gates of the Human Design mandala, giving you the opportunity to experience each of the archetypal energies through your body to bring you perspective over time for clarity. Whilst this is the ideal, it’s not always possible; in these situations, defer to the Sounding Board decision making process as an alternative. You are very tuned into your environment, so ruthless curation and strong boundaries are critical for you.

If you’d love to explore your Authority in more depth, I’d love to work with you! Check out my offerings here.

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

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Understanding your Human Design Type

Your Human Design Type is the broadest aspect of how you are energetically designed to engage with the world around you. It’s the first thing we look at within the Human Design system, and it determines your Strategy; the way for you to operate in the world without resistance, become aligned with your authentic self, and “win” in life.

The following analogy, which I learned (and tweaked) from Brittany Eastman, can help with understanding your Type and how you are designed to fit into and contribute to the collective.

The Manifestor, as an initiator, forms an idea and is designed to make it happen. The Manifestor informs everyone “I’m going to go on a day trip to the forest today, it’s going to be epic and so much fun! I’m not sure how I’ll get there yet, but will work it out. Who’s in?”

The Generator is designed to respond to what comes towards them in their external physical reality. Our Generator responds to the Manifestor’s idea with excitement: “That sounds awesome! Count me in! I’ve got a car, so I can take a carload of us.” The Generator helps the Manifestor fulfil the vision because she has a vehicle that can drive them to the destination, and the key to her ignition is her excited response. The Generator also has a GPS system fitted in her car, so she has the ability to get to the destination in a focused and direct manner.

The Manifesting Generator (MG) is also designed to respond. “Yes! That sounds ace! I’m in too! I’ve got a car as well, I’ll take the second carload.” The MG has rounded up her passengers & driven down the street before the Generator is even off the couch. The MG’s vehicle doesn’t have a GPS; she wings it, knowing that she will find her way there. If the MG gets 2 minutes down the road and her car’s engine warning lights up because the motor is on the verge of dying, she’s realised that actually, she’s not so excited about this day trip now after all. At that point, it’s important for the MG to take the passengers back home so they can catch a lift with someone else, otherwise they’ll all end up stranded and no one will be happy.

The Projector is the person in the traffic report helicopter, who hovers in the sky looking down upon the road network, and with her unique perspective she’s able to see where the traffic jams are. She broadcasts her traffic report via the radio, into the vehicles of the Generators and MGs who are tuned in and receptive, offering advice and guidance on which roads to avoid and which route to take in order to arrive at their destination in the most efficient time possible.

The Reflector works at the roads authority, in the control room, in front of the wall of screens that display the live feed of all the CCTV cameras situated across the entire road network. Her computer is hooked up to all the incoming information about the road system, so she has an amazing overview of how well it’s working; she’s tapped into the general condition or health of the road system as a whole, enabling her to provide reports for the roads authority so that issues can be addressed and improvements made.

This analogy demonstrates how each Type works together in co-operation and synergy. Each with their own role to play, they have a unique contribution to make to the collective. No one Type is better or worse, more or less valuable, or more or less desirable. They’re all unique in their own incredible way, with their place in society, and if they try to force their way outside of that natural and inherent way of operating in the world, they’ll encounter resistance and struggle.

Please keep in mind, this is a basic analogy to kickstart understanding of Type. It’s not about imposing limits on what a person is capable of. It’s important not to jump to conclusions about what people can or cannot do or achieve based on Type, without a deeper understanding of the nuances of their Human Design and consideration of their unique attributes; Type reveals how we best engage with the world, but it’s such a small part of who we are as individuals.

Discover your Type by generating your free Human Design chart here.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

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Why do the planets influence our energy?

As a soul, you chose to incarnate on earth at this time. You wanted to be here, you had reasons for choosing to be here, you had things that you wanted to experience.

Your soul chose a portal in time through which you would be born, during which you would be encoded with all the energies necessary to fulfill those desires, to fulfill your life’s purpose.

That portal was your precise time of birth.

The breath of the stars streaming through you in that moment, bringing with it the material information imparted by the configuration of the planets it passed through along the way, encrypted specific cosmic energies into your being. Human Design allows us to explore those energies that you were born with.

This “breath of stars” is a stream of miniscule cosmic messengers called neutrinos. Numbering in the billions, neutrinos produced by our sun, the stars of the Milky Way, and Jupiter, pass through every part of us and our planet in every moment of every day, carrying and imparting material information as they go.

This celestial information steam has travelled via the planets, picking up information from them as it goes. When the neutrino stream arrives on Earth, it imparts this material information it collected from the planets, as it passes through us.

The moment of our birth, being a significant timestamp in our earthly experience, is recognised as also being a significant neutrino imprinting moment, where we are encoded with the energetic information carried by the neutrino stream from the planets, to form our conscious personality energetic design aspects.

Three months prior to our birth is also recognised as a significant neutrino imprinting moment, where we are encoded with the energetic information to form our unconscious design energetic design aspects.

Where the planets were situated in these two key moments determines the nature of the energetic information picked up and imparted by the neutrino stream, and hence which gates and lines – energetic themes – are activated in our Human Design chart.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

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You were born for this

You were born for this.

You are equipped with everything you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, whilst the world yells about misinformation, trusting the experts, and not doing your own research, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, when you can get lost down a rabbit hole of information, evidence, statistics and opinions, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, as logical, black and white, definitive, blanket approaches prove futile, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, as you perhaps feel yourself going against the grain, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, as you face choices that perhaps don’t feel easy to make, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, in the face of propaganda, coercion, manipulation, opposition, criticism, shaming & division, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Now more than ever, you need to trust in your own discernment, in your body wisdom, in how your soul consciousness communicates with you. Trusting in your connection to a higher source has never been more critical.

Now more than ever, as this ride gets more and more wild, you need to make sovereign, aligned choices.

Know that you were born for this.

Know that you are equipped with everything you need.

With love, from Rachael x

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