Know Thyself

No one can ever know you better than you know yourself.

And yet, how well do you know yourself?

Human Design doesn’t tell you who you are. With roughly 250 humans born every minute across the world, there are hundreds of people with the exact same Human Design chart as you, and yet each one of you are not the same.

Human Design does tell you the energetic gifts that you were born with, that you have consistent and reliable access to. It does tell you how you are designed to energetically engage with the world around you.

Experimenting with the application of this knowledge in your everyday life brings you into energetic correctness, into soul alignment. This is what will ultimately illuminate the truth of who you are, that you already knew on some level, but perhaps didn’t have the audacity to admit to yourself, let alone anyone else.

Human Design is a framework to know thyself. It cuts through the conditioning, the fears, the projections, the beliefs, the perceived limitations, to shine a light on You, in all of your divine glory.

Human Design holds the potential of affirming your divine magnificence. The ultimate permission slip to be yourself.

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