Back From the Future

As I write this, I’m smack-bang in the middle of a three day retreat.  Specifically, a stay-at-home “White Light Intensive Healing Retreat”, that is part of a course I am currently undertaking.  This retreat has given me some much needed down time, time alone, time with myself, minimal social interaction, no social media or email checking.  Time to breathe, hear myself think, rest, and get present.  Ahhh…

Whilst on this retreat, I have been encouraged to practice mindfulness, and so I’ve used the opportunity to delve back into the words of wisdom from Eckhart Tolle in his profound book, The Power of Now.

Tolle teaches how to reach enlightenment through observing the mind and living in the present moment.  Although I’ve been studying this book for some months now, reading it during this retreat has enabled me to have new insights into how I’ve been living.

I’ve been living in the future.  Waiting.  Yearning.

Yearning for a time when motherhood is less demanding.
Yearning for a time when I have more money.
Yearning for a time when I can learn all that my teacher has to teach me.
Yearning for a time when I’ve nailed the art of manifesting.
Yearning for a time when I know my life purpose and can live it.
Yearning for a time when I can fully embrace and embody the magical human being I am discovering myself to be.

I try to wrap my brain around these concepts of presence and mindfulness, but as Tolle explains, that will get me nowhere.  Being present is knowing presence.  Being mindful is knowing mindfulness.

It’s time to take the lessons of this retreat into my daily life.  The social media and email free time is a massive step in the right direction.  I’ve decided to limit my time on these activities, as opposed to my ingrained habit of reaching for my mobile during every spare millisecond I can find.

It’s also time to step up my mindfulness and presence practice.  I’ve learnt so much through my studies, but it’s time to commit to living these practices every single moment of every single day.

Noticing when my mind says that motherhood is demanding and holding me back.
Noticing when my mind says that I don’t have enough money.
Noticing when my mind says there is so much I need to learn.
Noticing when my mind says that I haven’t yet mastered the art of manifesting.
Noticing when my mind says that life will begin when I’m living my soul purpose.
Noticing when my mind says that I can’t yet embody my truth.

Observing these thoughts.  Accepting them.  Perhaps chosing differently.

And finally, knowing that these thoughts aren’t who I am.  I am the one who observes them.  Knowing that I am perfect, whole, and complete, in this present moment, right now.


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3 thoughts on “Back From the Future”

  1. When I read this I can hear your voice in my head. It’s like I’m talking with you. Well written. X

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