Profile: 4/1

Profile tells us the archetypal roles we’re designed to play in order to live out our purpose; the most prominent ways we express our inherent energetic gifts. So it’s not so much about what we’re here to do, but the way we’re designed to go about doing what we’re here to do.

The 4/1 Profile tells us you’re here to be influential amongst your inner circle and valued communities, but you like to be well prepared first; you likely find it very uncomfortable to be put on the spot, as you require a solid foundation of knowledge and preparation before taking action. You’ll always come home to the foundation of truth you’ve established for yourself, so others can take it or leave it, because you’re here for a “fixed fate”; your direction in life is one that will not be altered, and those who come into you life for a prolonged period will not alter your direction, but rather become a part of your direction.

For personalised sessions and programmes to take you further into your energetic alignment, check out my offerings.